Order/MO No. |
Date |
Subject |
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55(20/2019-P&PW(H) -6212 |
18-11-2020 |
OM regarding Doorstep service for DLC through IPPB
42/04/2019-P&PW(D) |
21.10.2019 |
OM regarding revision of Dearness Allowance wef 01-07-2019 |
38/33/12-P&PW(A) |
09.07.2019 |
OM regarding revision of pension w.e.f. 01.01.2006 of pre 2006
pensioners who retired from the 5th CPC Pay scale of Rs. 6500-10500 - or
equivalent pay scale in the earlier Pay Comm. periods |
Z 15025/35/2019/DIR/CGHS/CGHS(P) |
27.06.2019 |
Clarification regarding consultation from specialists at CGHS empanelled
hospitals in respect of CGHS beneficiaries aged 75 years and above |
Z 15025/35/2019/DIR/CGHS/CGHS(P) |
29.05.2019 |
Consultation from specialists at CGHS empanelled hospitals in respect of
CGHS beneficiaries aged 75 years and above - regarding |
Z 15025/35/2019/DIR/CGHS/CGHS(P) |
29.05.2019 |
Post Operative follow up treatment from hospitals empanelled under CGHS
in respect of critically ill CGHS beneficiaries-regarding. |
z 15025/117/2017/DlR/CGHS/ CGHS(P) |
21.02.2019 |
OPD consultations from Hospitals empanelled under CGHS |
S-11011/50/2018-CGHS(HEC) |
18.10.2018 |
Treatment of CGHS Beneficiaries in CS (MA) approved SMVD Narayna Super
Specialty Hospital, Kakryal, Katra, Reasi, Jammu and Kashmir |
S.1r012/15/2015/-CGHS-III/EHS |
30-08-2018 |
Opening of CGHS Wellness Centres at Kochi, Varanasi, Srinagar, Jalandhar,
Visakhapatnam & Bhagpat- reg. |
Z 15025/64/2018/DIR/CGHS |
18-07-2018 |
Clarification of the guidelines issued regarding simplification of
referral system under CGHS |
S.14021/08/2018-EHS |
30-05-2018 |
Recognition of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Narayna Superspeciality Hospital,
Katra for treatment of Central Government Employees under CS (MA) Rules,
1944 |
Z.15025/38/2018/DIR/CGHS |
14-05-2018 |
OM regarding prescription of Timelines for settlement of Medical Claims
under CGHS |
22-03-2018 |
OM regarding
grant of Dearness Relief to
Central Government Pensioners/ Family pensioners - Revised rate
effective from 01-01-2018 |
F.No. 4/34/2017-P&PW(D) |
31-01-2018 |
OM regarding grant of Fixed Medical Allowance to Central Government
Civil Pensioners residing in areas not covered under Central Govt Health
Scheme-reg |
z 15025 / t t7 /20 t7 tDtR/CGHS/ EHS |
15-01-2018 |
Simplification of Referral Systems under CGHS |
44-42/2016/MCTC/CGHS/2451-83 |
17-11-2017 |
OM regarding registration of Email IDs of CGHS Beneficiaries |
Z 15025/105/2017/DIR/CGHS/EHS |
09-11-2017 |
OM regarding simplification of procedure for treatment at private
hospitals empanelled under CGHS/CS (MA) Rules, 1944 |
F.No. 42/15/2016-P&PW |
28-09-2017 |
OM regarding grant of Dearness Relief to Central Govt Pensioners/ Family
Pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01-07-2017 |
F. No. 38/37/2016-P&PW(A)
13-09-2017 |
Revision of pension of pre-2016
family pensioners in implementation of
Government's decision on the recommendations of the
Central Pay
Commission-Concordance tables- regarding.
38/37/16-P&PW(A)(iii) |
11-09-2017 |
OM regarding revision of pension of Pre-2016 retired Medical Officers
4/23/2017-P&PW(D) |
07-08-2017 |
OM regarding revision of pension of pre-2016 Pensioners/Family
Pensioners etc- Procedural actions for revision.
1/27/2011-P&PW(E) |
01-08-2017 |
OM regarding simplification of Pension procedure
F.No. 4/23/2017-P&PW(D) |
25-07-2017 |
OM regarding revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family
pensioners etc- procedural actions for revision thereof |
1/13/09-P&PW(E) |
19-07-2017 |
OM regarding eligibility of divorced daughters for grant of family
pension- clarification regarding
S-11016/2/2015-CGHS(P)/EHS |
19-07-2017 |
OM regarding extension of CGHS facilities to the pensioners of Post and
Telegraph Department
4/34/2017-P&PW(D) |
19-07-2017 |
OM regarding grant of Fixed Medical Allowance to the Central Govt
Pensioners residing in Areas not covered under CGHS |
CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision (7th CPC )/19.Vol-III/2017-18/68 |
14-07-2017 |
OM regarding revised Fixed Medical Allowance and Constant Attendance
Allowance on 100% disablement |
CPAO/IT&Tech/ePPO/P.F./6 Vol - VI/2017-18/64 |
10-07-2017 |
Urgent shifting of CPPCs of Banks to new IP white list for SFTP Service |
F. No. 38/37/2016-P&PW(A)
06-07-2017 |
Concordance Table regarding revision of pension of per-2016
Pensioners/Family Pensioners (7th CPC) |
CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision (7th CPC )/19.Vol-III/2016-17/50 |
14-06-2017 |
Modified format for Implementation of revision of pension of Pre 01-01-2016
Pensioners / Family Pensioners |
CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision (7th CPC )/19.Vol-III/2016-17/37 |
25-05-2017 |
Implementation of revision of pension of Pre 01-01-2016
Pensioners / Family Pensioners |
1(13)/EV/2017 |
23-05-2017 |
Procedural Actions for revision of pension of pre 01-01-2016
retirees of Central Government in pursuance of the OM of Department
Pension and Pensioner s' welfare dated 12-05-2017 - regarding |
12-05-2017 |
Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners ,
etc. |
F.No. 42/15/2016-P&PW(G) |
07-04-2017 |
Grant of Dearness Allowance to Central Government
Pensioners/Family Pensioners - Revised Rate effective from 01-01-2017 |
3/212017 -P&PW (F)(i)
07-03-2017 |
Amendment to the provisions of General Provident Fund
(Central Service) Rules 1960 - liberalization of provisions for drawal
of advance from the Fund by the subscribers- regarding
3/2/2017 -P&PW (F)(ii)
07-03-2017 |
Amendment to the provisions of General
Provident Fund (Central Service) Rules 1960 - liberalization of
provisions for drawal of advance from the Fund by the subscribers-
regarding |
38/49/2016-P&PW(A) |
30-11-2016 |
Revision of provisional pension sanctioned under Rule 69 of the
CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 |
55/14/2014/P&PW(C)-Part 1 |
29-11-2016 |
Processing of Pension Cases mandatorily through Bhavishya
(Online Pension Sanction & Payment Tracking System) w.e.f. 01/01/2007-
reg. |
F.No. 42/15/2016-P&PW(G) |
16-11-2016 |
Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners /
family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01-07-2016 on
implementation of decision taken on recommendation of 7th Central Pay
Commission |
CPAO/Tech/ Jeevan Pramaan/ (3) VOl-VI/ 2016-17 / 172 |
15-11-2016 |
Extension of date for submission of Annual Life Certificate up
to 15th January, 2017 |
CPAO/IT&Tech/Amend Sch. Book/9.Vol. VII/ 2016-17/165 |
07-11-2016 |
Removal of State-wise Jurisdiction of Banks for disbursement of
Central Government (Civil) Pensioners : Clarification regarding.
CPAO/IT&Tech/Simplification/2016-17 /
11.Vol- V/162 |
OM regarding Automatic restoration
of commutation of pension and payment of additional pension.
41/21/2000-P&PW-(D) |
26-10-2016 |
OM regarding issue of Pensioners'
Identity Card to Pensioners.
CPAO/IT & Tech./Clarification/2016-17/ 13.Vol-VI/160 |
26-10-2016 |
OM regarding crediting of enhanced Medical Allowance to Pensioners
Accounts by Banks.
CPAO/IT & Tech/Web Responsive Service/ 2016-17/ 16.VOl-X/158 |
25-10-2016 |
OM regarding proceedings of the workshop for banks on monitoring the
pensioners grievances through "Web Responsive Pensioners' Service" held
on 03-10-2016 at SWASTI Conference hall of Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan
F.No. 42/14/2016-P&PW(G) |
24-10-2016 |
OM regarding implementaion of the recommendation of the 7th CPC
- option regarding commutation of additional amount of pension |
F.No. 38/37/2016-P&PW(A)(i) |
04-08-2016 |
of Government's decision on the recommendation of the Seventh Central
Pay Commiss ion
- Revision of provisions regulating pension/gratuity / commutation of
pension/family pension/disability pension/ex-gratia lump-sumcompensation,
- |
04-08-2016 |
Terms and reference of Seventh Central Pay Commsision |
F.No. 38/37/2016-P&PW(A)(ii) |
04-08-2016 |
Implementation of Government's
decisions on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission -
Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners etc.
F.No. 1/20/2016-P&PW(E) |
20-05-2016 |
Voluntary seeding of Pension Account with Aadhar Number to
facilitate submission of Digital Life Certificates (DLCs) by Pensioners
thru 'Jeevan Pramaan' |
F.No. 25014/1/2013-AIS-II |
12-05-2016 |
Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners (AIS) - delinking of
revised pension from qualifying service of 33 years |
55/10/2016-P&PW(C) |
09-05-2015 |
Swachh Bharat Pakhwada (May 16-31, 2016) Action Plan for
Pensioners' Associations issued by the Department of Pension and
Pensioners' Welfare, GOI. |
No. 45/3/2008-P&PW (F) |
29-04-2016 |
OM regarding special benefit in case of death and disability in
service - Revision of disability pension/ Family pension of pre-2006
disability pensioners/Family pensioners - regarding |
F.No. 42/06/2016-P&PW(G) |
11-04-2016 |
Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners/Family
Pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01-01-2016 |
F.No. Z. 15025/1//2016/DIR/CGHS |
31-03-2016 |
Self Printing of CGHS Cards |
38/37/08-P&PW (A)
06-04-2016 |
Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners - delinking of
revised pension from qualifying service of 33 years |
CPAO/IT & Tech/Revision Pre-2006/ 2015-16/1675
30-10-2015 |
Revision of pension of pre-2006 Central Civil Pensioners and
providing better service to pensioners |
CPAO/IT & Tech/Revision Pre-2006/ 2015-16/1660
15-10-2015 |
Payment of Arrears of pension to pre-2006 Pensioners w.e.f.
01-01-2006 - regarding |
17-08-2015 |
Revision of Pension/Family Pension of pre-2006 All India Service
Pensioners |
S 11011/1/2014-CGHS (P)
10-02-2014 |
Renewal of CGHS Palstic Cards (Smart
Cards) - regarding
29-09-2015 |
Streamlining action of Pensioners' grievances - uploading of
replies given by the Ministries/ Departments to the Petitioners on
F.No. 42/10/2014-P&PW(G)
28-09-2015 |
Grant of Dearness Relief Central Government Pensioners/ Family
Pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01-07-2015 |
12-08-2015 |
Issue of Pensioners' Identity Card to Pensioners |
F. No. 41/30/2011-P&PW(C)
04-08-2015 |
To extend necessary cooperation to the office bearers identified
pensioners associations in the matter of redressal of pensioners'
F.No. 8(14)/2015-D (Mov) |
31-07-2015 |
Grant of CSD Canteen facilities to retired Defence Civilian
employees. |
30-07-2015 |
Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners - reg.
No. 25014/1/2014-AIS-II
28-07-2015 |
Regarding clarification of simplification of procedure for
payment of pension and other benefits to other AIS officers retiring
from Govt. of India/ State Govt. : exercise of option regarding.
F.No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A)
28-01-2013 |
Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners - regarding.